Performance Leadership Skills
Breaking and inspiring insights into the global workspace; and the leadership skills that cultivate high-performance.

All organisations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things.”
– Peter Drucker
Cultivate a high-performance culture
The difference between quarterly crunch-time performance, and year-round high performance is a difference in culture.
As a leader, it’s paramount to cultivate a culture in which high performance is sustained.
Creating the environment in which that happens is a collective challenge leaders face worldwide; and with over 40 years of experience in making that happen we’re here to help.
Engaging your people in a way where potential is championed, and departments are inspired to creatively collaborate as opposed to quietly corroborate is the transformational gateway towards ‘Performance Leadership’ in your business.

What is performance leadership?
“Performance Leadership” is a methodology where leaders within organizations pre-empt, provoke and promote positive performance.The Performance Curve™
The Performance Curve™ is our proprietary, industry-proven indicator that precisely pinpoints where leaders are on their journey towards a high performance culture.

The current leadership climate
Leaders worldwide in recent years mutually feel the urge to embark on a journey towards transformational performance leadership; and statistics illustrate precisely that, when observing Gallup’s recent (August 2023) research into global workplaces.
Trust in leadership is at an all-time low
Less than ¼ (23%) of employees “Strongly Agree” that they trust in the leadership of the organizations they work at. This suggests that the majority (77%) feel professionally disenfranchised, and feel no reason to cultivate their potential.
There is an engagement crisis
Only 31% of managers suggest that they’re engaged in the workspace; over the teams and projects they oversee. An eye opening 69% of teams and respective projects within organizations are potentially being overseen without engagement.
Organizational goals are detached from employee visions
27% of employees “Strongly Agree” that their manager considers their views and skillsets when goal setting. (Which is up from an all-time low of 24% in September 2022) When employees aren’t congruent with the management team, internal friction dissuades a high-performance culture.
Performance leadership is essential
of employees do not “Strongly Agree” that they trust in the leadership of the organizations they work at.
of managers suggest that they’re not engaged in the workspace; over the teams and projects they oversee.
of employees do not “Strongly Agree” that their manager considers their views and skillsets when goal setting.

Assess your organizations’ leadership-level impact
Impact 360 is our innovative performance assessment which grants the leaders within organizations an industry-proven process to gain definitive “360°” overviews of their impact.Leadership skills take flight
Europe’s favorite airline, easyJet, appointed Performance Consultants to develop their very own senior leadership suite via our 1:1 Executive Coaching; garnering £6.8 million in new revenue.

The mission
Europe’s leading airline easyJet tasked us with developing the leadership skills within their executive team, 1:1 Executive Coaching was proven to be a best-fit, holistically aligning with easyJet’s ethos;
“At easyJet, we nurture talent, embrace diversity and always focus on developing others and their leadership craft.”

The process
Over the half-a-year period of working intimately alongside easyJet’s senior leader, our 1:1 Executive Coaching was the gateway that spotlighted short, medium and long-term objectives – while setting clear, actionable benchmarks for performance.

The outcome
Said senior leader surpassed their newly articulated “benchmarks for performance” by generating a transformational £6.8M in new revenue for easyJet and sustaining an engagement oriented impact within the easyJet culture
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
The global opportunity
“Engagement” isn’t just the latest ‘here-and-gone’ HR keyword when discussing the journey towards ‘Performance Leadership’, it’s an essential pillar for businesses to focus on; and an essential skill for leaders to develop.
Optimizing your leadership towards engagement reshapes your culture towards interdependence.
When you galvanize your people to explore their potential and lean into interdependence you fundamentally transform organizational performance.
The ROI upshot
Inspiring reports from Gallup indicate the transformative impact effective leadership has on performance.
Engagement, leadership and culture
Effective leadership cultivates a step-change in organizational performance that spans beyond the scope of ROI alone, it’s also transformative when it comes to staff retention and engagement.

Beyond ROI
Sourced from Gallup are exciting insights as to how effective leadership spans beyond ROI.
We take you there
‘Performance Leadership’ tasks you to look beyond the transactional pillars of KPIs, ROI, and quarterly reports alone.
It’s your responsibility as a leader to cultivate your transformational in-house pillars of engagement, purpose, and trust; and in today’s climate of hybrid working and engagement churn – it can seem like an elusive, daunting journey.
But here’s what we do to take you there –

Your leadership suite, transformed
‘Transformational Leader’ is a masterful curation of our decades of in-house expertise working closely with businesses like yours, bringing an industry-leading pathway that aligns high-performance with soft-skills and engagement.

Bespoke coaching for industry-leading executives
‘1:1 Executive Coaching’ is an opportunity for organizations to find a coach that’s specifically tailored to their leaders.
Our bespoke service pairs executives with a coach that matches their chemistry and caters to their organizational needs.

“360°” assessments on organizational leadership impact
Impact 360 is our propritary impact assetment toolkit for leaders within your organization to gain insights on essential skills to cultivate

Leadership skills at scale
GROW Digital™ is our modern and engaging digital learning experience curated with organizations in mind and centred on the GROW model; our proprietary goal-setting and problem-solving framework.