Who Will Care For Your Cat When You Travel? Compare Your Options Here!
It's getting to be that time of year again when we pack our bags and head off into the whirlwind of emotions that come with...
It's getting to be that time of year again when we pack our bags and head off into the whirlwind of emotions that come with...
Let me tell you a little bit about my 9-month-old kitten, Renwick. We call him Ren, and he’s a sleek mini-panther with a heart for...
Think about cats and their fur color a second. Specifically, pull up your perceptions of cats based on fur color. Did you find you perceive...
Happy holidays, my human minions and cat cohorts. Forrest, here, coming to you with some things to remember about hosting holiday gatherings. For cats, 'tis...
Have you ever met a psychopath? You might have one living closer than you think. So close, in fact, you might just be sharing the...
Greetings, my pawsome human minions. Forrest Wisewhiskers here, back at it and bringing you the answers to your most burning cat questions. Today, I come...
Though cat parents often realize the higher intelligence of their cats, there are questions we can only ponder due to the language barrier between humans...
We pour our entire beings into loving our kitties, so we don't want to believe cats choose to ignore us. But living with felines teaches...
Cats and humans certainly see the world in different ways, but some things definitely leave us seeing eye-to-eye. For example, kitties love a soft blanket...
Kitty cats purr, and the biggest of the big cats roar. It's a fact cat lovers know, but have you ever stopped to wonder why...